Saturday, October 29, 2011

This Weekend

Back in Virginia Beach, if only it was a little farther south, I would live here.

*picture taken by me

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Riding Boots

Fall is here (actually it has been here for a while now), and I have been coveting a pair of riding boots.  I have yet to buy some, but it is only a matter of time.  Take a look at my top 5 pairs (all found on piperlime).

FRYE Melissa Button - $348.00

INDIGO BY CLARKS Lesile Sharon - $200.00

MIA Xiomara - $99.00
So this aren't exactly riding boots, but I like 'em.

LUCKY BRAND Andria - $199.00

And these are my favorite, but they are a little out of my price range....oh so pretty.

FRYE Paige Tall Riding - $348.00

Do you have any riding boots that are calling your name?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Decorating

As everyone knows, Halloween is right around the corner.  I have to admit that I've never really been a big fan of Halloween, but I feel like I should at least acknowledge it.  Especially since there are some people who countdown for the only holiday where people dress up in costumes, carve pumpkins, go to haunted houses, and its soul purpose is just to be scary. 

I didn't even buy a pumpkin to carve this year, but in the spirit of those who love some good Halloween decorations I've put together a few pictures that might inspire me next year.

The backdrop for a perfect Halloween vignette.

Pumpkins in all kinds of shapes, sizes, and colors....with friendly faces to boot!

Black and white with just a touch of orange.  Just my style.

Liking the "tree" with orange treats hanging from it.....the bats aren't bad either.

Heart this.

 Gold pumpkins?  Definitely going to have some next year.

Nice little drink and sweets table for a Halloween party.

Candy bar?  Why not?

How cute is this idea? 

Simple and understated.  That's all me.

I don't know what this dessert is, but it looks pretty delicious.  And it is cute, without being too cutesy.  Ya know what I mean? 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Craigslist Round-Up

I think it is time to do another craigslist round-up!  I know you are excited as I am!

Two of these chairs are available, and at $75 each, it isn't a terrible price.

The retro lamps are priced well at $80 for the set.  If you aren't digging the lime green, you can always break out the spray paint.

This British Colonial Settee would be an extremely cute entry way bench, and it is priced right at $125!

This 3x7 rug is a little pricey for craigslist but I'm a fan. 

I am seriously heart-ing this piece!  It would be a great bar in the corner of the living room.

How cute is this tuffed leopard ottoman?!

I could easily see all these pieces incorporated into a house featured in Lonny.  What do you think?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Recap of the Past Couple Weeks

Totally creative title, I know, but since I've been M.I.A. for about two weeks now, I decided I should do a recap of whats been happening lately (not that it's earth-shattering or even that exciting).  So read on, if you please. 

1)  As everyone knows, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, passed away on October 5, 2011.  Although, I only own one Apple product, I can say that he changed my life and the world that we once knew.  Computers, ipods, Pixar, itunes, ipads, macs.....can you imagine how different the world would be?  Proof it isn't necessary to graduate or even attend college.  RIP, Steve.

2)  Two weeks ago, I won a pair of Starla Sandals.  I can honestly say I never win anything, so this was such a fun surprise!  I received them last week and they are really are as pretty as the look on their website.  The leather is soooo soft and the jewels are gorgeous!  I can't wait to wear them once it gets warm again. 

3)  I read Michelle's blog from Ten June.  She is a local Atlantan, and that right there gives her five points in my book.  She just received a DSLR for her birthday and has decided to do a 30-day photo challenge.  She is linking up with anyone else willing to take on the challenge.  This is day 12, so I MUST post my pictures and link up soon!

4)  Last weekend was MY BIRTHDAY!  I turned 28 on Friday.  The boyfriend and I went to The Brookwood Grille on Saturday night to celebrate.  It was soo yummy!  He actually surprised me on Thursday evening.....I walked into the condo and there were flowers and a card waiting on the kitchen counter.  Sweet boy.

5)  I walked into work this morning and a co-workers girlfriend baked these over the weekend.  Yes, I stole one.  Maybe this is why I'm gaining weight.....sigh.

6)  And probably the most exciting item on the list (for me, anyways), is the fact that the boyfriend moved from L.A. (aka Lower Alabama, not Cali) to Atlanta.  Not just Atlanta, because we all know that can be up to an hour, but a place within 15 minutes of mine.  It is definitely an adjustment, but I'm pretty happy with it!  :-) 

Happy week everyone!  Be back tomorrow, promise. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Orleans

So last weekend was my boyfriend's last weekend down in Mobile, AL.  He has lived there for a year and a half, and is now being transferred back up to Atlanta, where I live.  :-)   Anyhoo, a couple friends of the bf were visiting New Orleans, so I drove down to Mobile Friday night and then we drove over Saturday morning. 

I have to say that I wasn't too impressed with the city.  Granted I wasn't there that long, so all I was able to see was the French Quarter (which is a-not-so-clean-very-smelly-place).  I've heard the Garden District is very pretty, so next time I will hit up that area.  Also, on the to-do list next time is Acme Oysters and the Katrina Museum.  I didn't take that many pictures this time around.  I know.......FAIL, but here are some from the trip.
A cute little street we wondered down.

I L-O-V-E those little balconies with all the greenery.

A parade for someone who just got married.  So fun.

A wedding was about to take place in front of the fountain/church, but the boys wouldn't let us watch.  They said we weren't invited.  What do they know?

Me and R

Joel and Kathy

Kathleen and I later in the night at Art for Arts Sake.

All of us.  How cute are we?!